About us

We founded Geopolita Kft. (Ltd.) in 1993 in order to perform geophysical measurements to support environmental and structural research and to develop computer based measuring systems.

One of our primary area is vibration protection of natural and artificial objects (incl. buildings, artifacts, caves etc.) with environmental geophysical measurements, which objects need to be protected from mechanical vibrations, primarily from vibrations created by opencast mining activities, blasts, or heavy and different utility machines generated seismic waves.. It is not a recently discovered problem, it is quite frequent that high performance technologies used at building construction or destruction sites acutely damage neighboring buildings.

We have developed our own computer-based measuring systems ranging from sensors to processing software. This give us a possibility to create a unique instrument park that is capable of performing monitoring and continuous data recording for several days, without any kind of supervision or un-matching in Hungary regarding sizes and performance. We are capable of performing measurements using twenty 3D velocity sensors, or thirty 3D acceleration sensors at the same time. The dynamics and frequency range of these measurements fulfill the required rates specified by MSZ13018 "Rezgések épületre gyakorolt hatása" (Hungarian Standards No. 13018: "The effects of vibrations on buildings"). Download our utility made to help interpreting the standards here.

We permanently update our measuring systems to keep up the pace with technological and computer engineering developments, and we are constantly creating new profiles using our experience gained through our work in other fields. We have already configured measuring system solutions for geophysical engineering (structural research, status monitoring), medical research or even computer based measuring, monitoring and diagnostic systems serving whole factory units.

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