
PPV (Peak Particle Velocity) control at seismic/vibroseis surveys in Hungary, Slovenia and Portugal

- Hungarian Horizon Energy Ltd. (Magyar Horizont Energia Ltd, affiliate of Aspect Energy LLC) (2004-2019)
- Geofizyka Torun (2014, 2019)
- Oil and Gas Development Ltd. (2014-2019)
- TDE Ltd. (2014-2019)
- Wermilion Energy Hungary Ltd. (2018)
- Mecsekérc Plc. (2017-2018)
- Wild Horse Energy Hungary Ltd. (2012)
- RAG Ltd. (2011-2012)
- Mohave Oil and Gas Corp. (2011-2012)
- GeomegaLtd. (2005-2012)
- Ascent Hungary Ltd. (2009-2010)
- Nemmoco Ltd. (2009)
- Geophysical Services Ltd. (1993-2000, 2008)
- Petrohungaria Ltd. (2008)
- Toreador Ltd. (2008)
- Blue Star '95 Ltd. (2007)
- TXM Ltd. (affiliate of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.) (2005-2007)
- MOL Plc. (1993-2000)

Seismic monitoring

- Monitoring measurements of stoping blasts performed in the quarries of Duna-Dráva Cement Ltd. (from 1993)
- Seismic monitoring measurements of blastings and deconstructions performed by Mikerobb Ltd. (from 1993)
- Seismic monitoring measurements of blasts and deconstructions performed by Detonet Ltd. (from 1993)
- Monitoring measurements of stoping blasts performed in the quarries of Márkakő Ltd. in Pilisjászfalu (from 2004)
- Monitoring of seismic effects and noise emission of stoping blasts performed in the mines of Dolomit Ltd. (2005-2006)
- Monitoring of seismic effects and noise emission of stoping blasts performed in the Újbarok II. dolomite mine of Czégény és Társa Ltd. (2005-2006)
- Monitoring of seismic effects and noise emission of stoping blasts performed in the mine of Colas-Északkő Bányászat Ltd. in Szob (2003-2005)
- Seismic monitoring measurement of an underwater blast performed by Búvár Ltd. in the harbor of Balatonszemes at lake Balaton (2005)
- Vibration monitoring of construction works during the construction of Light Corner (in downtown of Budapest) on the buildings of the neighboring residential area
- Monitoring of the effects of stoping blasts performed in the quarry of Bükkösd on the buildings of the nearby residential area
- Monitoring measurements of stoping blasts performed during opencast mining by PannonPower Plc. (1993-2004)
- Monitoring of the effects of building deconstruction works performed in the neighbourhood of Westel building on Budafoki street (in downtown of Budapest) (2004)
- Monitoring of the effects of building deconstruction performed by Market Construction Ltd. in Harbor Park Budapest on the industrial monument water tower (2003)
- Monitoring measurements of seismic vibrations created by the building deconstruction blast performed by Cronus Ltd. in Bélapátfalva Cement Factory
- Monitoring of the seismic effects of stoping blasts performed in the Máriagyüd quarry of Dráva Kavics és Beton Ltd. on the buildings of the residential area and military radio tower (2003)
- Monitoring of the seismic effects of the cutter used on Kálvária street an Jókai square in Pécs on the monument castle walls, (for Strabag Construction Ltd. 2002)
- Monitoring measurements of building deconstruction performed near the Calvinist church of Budapest in Hold street (LAND-BAU Ltd. 2001)
- Monitoring measurements of building deconstruction blasts performed at Péti Nitrogénművek (Nitrogen Works Plc. of Pét) (1993-2000)
- Monitoring of the effects of mechanical vibrations created by vehicular and railway traffic on buildings (for Power Plant of Pécs Plc.) (1999)
- Seismic monitoring measurements of experimental blasts performed by the Hungarian Defense Forces Military Institute (1996-1998)
- Seismic measurements of the dam blast tests at the river Tisza in Kisköre performed by ÁBKSZ Kht. (1997)

Developed and installed measuring instruments and systems:

- Development and operation of the acoustic emission systems of the Hungarian National Radioactive Waste Management Plc. (since 2005 continuously)
- Installment of seismoacoustic measuring system and performing vibration control caused by local traffic, using the system for status monitoring of the cellars of Dreher Brewery (2004)
- Technological Supervising and Control System for registration and data processing purposes for TVK Plc. (1999-2001)
- Vibration analysis and data storage system for TVK Plc. (1996-2000)
- Measuring system for environmental monitoring purposes using TAU transformation of IP data for the Geophysical Faculty of the University of Miskolc
- Computer based measuring, control and analyzing unit for the balancing machine of BorsodChem Plc. (1997-1998)
- Digital measuring and data processing system for FAM2 crystallizing vibration monitor for Dunaferr Steel Works Ltd. (1997-1998)
- Alpha cut seismoacoustic monitoring system for MECSEKURÁN Ltd. (1997)
- Measuring and analyzing system for animal testing performed by the Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy at the University of Pécs (1996, 1998)
- Seismoacoustic mine quake prediction and alarm system for the Bauxite Mines of Bakony Ltd. (1995-1998)
- Instrument for measuring seismic vibrations for the Hungarian Defense Forces Military Institute (1996)
- Instrument for measuring seismic vibrations for the Faculty of Mining at the University of Miskolc (1996)
- Instrument for measuring seismic vibrations for Geophysical Services Ltd. (1996)
- Instrument for measuring seismic vibrations for Beremendi Cement és Mészipari Plc. (1993)

Geophysical engineering related examinations:

- Quality checking of the slurry wall for environmental protection on the estate of Ajkai Timföld Ltd. using geoelectrical method (1999-2000)
- IP test measurments in Nyékládháza for the Geophysical Faculty of the University of Miskolc (1999)
- Mapping of the rock property of the Nagyharsány quarry using seismic and geoelectric methods (1996)
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